miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Descargar SuperSorter gratis

Are your Chrome bookmarks a mess? SuperSorter can help!With one click of its button, SuperSorter sorts all of your bookmarks, in all your folders, into alphabetical order. It sorts folders too and if you like it will put the folders at the top of the list above the bookmarks (like in most other browsers).SuperSorter also deletes empty bookmark folders, deletes duplicate bookmarks in the same folder and merges neighbouring folders with the same name. SuperSorter can also sort bookmarks automatically every few minutes, making it even easier to keep everything tidy.This is still an early release. There is no undo function. Use at your own risk!HOW TO REPORT BUGS:If you find a bug please follow the "extension support" link to the SuperSorter discussion group and post a description of the problem there. I may need to ask you some questions before I can figure out why it doesn't work for you.RELEASE NOTES:Version 0.4.0 introduces a new feature: the "Find all duplicates now" button displays a list of all your duplicate bookmarks, so you can choose which ones to delete. Version 0.4.1 fixes a bug in which the sort order for the list of duplicates could be inconsistent.Version 0.4.2 adds (by popular demand) an option to ignore the Bookmarks Bar during all operations. This is now the default setting (that is, the Bookmarks Bar will be ignored unless you choose otherwise).Version 0.4.3 is a minor bugfix release.Heads up!
We detected that you're using 2 different login accounts for the Chrome Web Store and your Google Chrome browser sync.
We recommend that you pick the same account to avoid any confusion. Just follow these instructionsand get back to installing this app.var cxDetailDescDisp = new cx.desc.DescriptionDisplay('cx-desc-outer-box', 'cx-desc-box', 'cx-desc-text', 'cx-desc-button'); disableZzCreateAll();registerAnnotationCallback(function() { google.annotations.create('CommentThread', 'cx-comment-node', { entity: { url: "http://chrome.google.com/extensions/permalink?id=hjebfgojnlefhdgmomncgjglmdckngij" }, name: "commentThread", collapsiblePoster: 'true', signInUrl: "https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=chromewebstore&passive=true&continue=https://chrome.google.com/webstore/startbounce?continue%3Dhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hjebfgojnlefhdgmomncgjglmdckngij", commentTemplate: '\u003Cdiv class="cx-comment-display">' + '\u003Cspan class="cx-comment-user">\u003Cz:Nickname\u002F>\u003C\u002Fspan>' + '\u003Cspan class="cx-comment-date">\u003Cz:DateTime\u002F>\u003C\u002Fspan>' + '\u003Cspan class="cx-comment-spam">\u003Cz:ReportSpamLink\u002F>\u003C\u002Fspan>' + '\u003Cspan class="cx-comment-delete">\u003Cz:DeleteAnnotationGadget\u002F>\u003C\u002Fspan>' + '\u003Cdiv>\u003Cz:CommentDisplay\u002F>\u003C\u002Fdiv>' + '\u003Cdiv class="comment-helpful g-section">' + '\u003Cspan class="comment-helpful-count">\u003Cz:NumUsersFoundThisHelpful\u002F>\u003C\u002Fspan>' + '\u003Cspan class="comment-helpful-voter">\u003Cspan class="comment-helpful-hint">Review helpful?\u003C\u002Fspan>\u003Cz:VotingEditor\u002F>\u003C\u002Fspan>' + '\u003C\u002Fdiv>' + '\u003C\u002Fdiv>' });});

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